Daniel Kostakakis

Photo: Aston Martin

BBM Trade Scholar 2010 – Auto Body Repair

In 2009 I was doing rather well with my national Worldskills win, and I was devastated to find out I would be 2-3 months past the age threshold to compete on the international stage. But with every downside comes an upside. Because of this unfortunate situation I then was pushed to look into scholarship opportunities which brought me to BBM and their brilliant opportunities and scholarship program.

Being lucky enough to have been accepted, it opened some unimaginable doors to countries and people I never thought possible. To keep it short, BBM was the gentle push I needed to get me out of my comfort zone and onto the path of growth and self development.

The leadership course and activities we all undertook in the UK was to such benefit for us all. It seriously tested recipients on a personal level as well as teaching us to perform as a team to get the job done and done well. Whether it was hiking and navigating maps, sailing the yacht and pinning out a course or trying not to drown in the naval ship sinking experience. The two weeks spent on the leadership course were amazing but it didn’t end there.

BBM also put Travis Duff and myself in touch with Nathan Gore Brown, a past BBM scholar and now BBM Board Director, which was the whole beginning of the Aston Martin journey. None of this may have ever been possible if not for the BBM Scholarship. BBM bridged the gap from where I was, to where I needed to be.

Photo: Aston Martin


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