Contact Little Brothers
If you are trying to make contact with another Little Brother, we suggest you first step should be click on the “Message a Little Brother” tile below. This will take you to a list of Little Brothers, who have made contact with us and are keen to hear from others. They are listed by name with ship/flight details. If you find who you are looking for you can send them an email from that link.
If you do not find the name you are looking for do not give up, as not all Little Brothers we are in contact with appear on the list. Instead click on the “Forum’ tile below and select the ‘Find a Little Brother’ thread. If you are not already registered on the Forum you will need register by following the prompts. You can then post an enquiry. It is wise to always include your Ship/Flight details and date of arrival. Most Little Brothers remember their arrival but not necessarily the names of everyone in their group. Make sure you monitor the Forum pages to pick up any replies.
You can also use the Forum to post threads in other categories. Select the most appropriate or ‘Other’ (the moderator may then start a new category) and enter your message.
We want your story: Little Brother Profiles
Remember the closing narrative of the 1950’s TV series ‘Naked City’ “There are eight million stories in this city. This has been one of them.”
We Little Brothers may not have eight million stories to tell but we have many an interesting tale to tell.
- Other Little Brothers are interested to read about your story;
- We share many experiences of our early days in Australia; and
- We are interested in your life in Australia, your family and what you are doing now.
Your profile will be posted to our website for all Little Brothers to read and importantly will become part of the Big Brother Movement archives that will be preserved for future generations.
The Big Brother Movement and Little Brothers made a significant contribution to the development of Australia. Help preserve that by recording your experiences.
Please do not nod your head and think “Yea, I should do that.” Take a few minutes to capture those experiences and share it with others.
Ideally your profile should be no more than 1200 words and, if you have them, include some photographs.
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