2019 Gold Coast Reunion

Thank you,

One and all, for attending and contributing to the fun and shared camaraderie enjoyed at the Kurrawa Surf Club on the Gold Coast.

Back, from left: Stuart Gearey, Mel Hopwood, Ronald Bland, Peter Clark, Mark Bentley, Edward Mould, John Ward.
Front, from left: Peter Stevens, Lawrence Poysden, Steve Noble, John Harland, Vincent Cobb, Peter Wood

The consensus of our gathering was – “See you next year – Same Time – Same Place”.

In the meantime, don’t forget – Use the Big Brother Movement website to stay in touch:

  • Search for other Little Brothers
  • Advise Annemaree (Email to: BigBrotherMovement@bbm.asn.au), at the Sydney office, of updated contact details of Little Brothers, so that the data base can be expanded and kept up to date.
  • Why not take the trouble to contribute short essays of your life in Australia, so that your “Profile” can be recorded for posterity, and the benefit of our co-Little Brothers?
  • Get involved with the Big Brother Movement on Facebook.
  • Google “Big Brother Movement Photos” to review a variety of pictures including many group photos from the past.

My thanks go to Melanie Stray, BBM Youth Support CEO, for “leading the charge” and Dick Steell (Fairsea ’63) for managing and researching the trove of archival records held in the Sydney office.

Good health and good cheer – for the following year!

Stuart Gearey (Orontes ’57) – Reunion Organiser

5th September, 2019

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