
High standards of vocational training and education are a cornerstone of Australia’s economic performance and future wellbeing. There are close to 4,000 providers of vocational education and training courses in Australia, competing for students and producing talent.

BBM Global Industry Scholarships are scoped in collaboration with education providers such as TAFEs and agricultural colleges like TOCAL, Longerenong College and Marcus Oldham to offer global opportunities to students and apprentices with outstanding vision, talent or merit.

Time spent overseas for professional development is common for university students, but limited options exist for the trades, agriculture and even some performing arts.

Global industry experience does, however, present the same unique benefits to vocational professionals as it does to academics. It gives young talent the opportunity to increase cultural awareness, grow a global professional network, gain a competitive edge in the job market, get insights into industry trends happening overseas and grow as a person and as a leader in their field.

“TAFE NSW plays a critical role in training the leaders of tomorrow across a range of industries, and access to opportunities such as the BBM Global Industry Scholarships are invaluable for our students.

This experience is about far more than just building the hands-on skills of TAFE NSW students; it’s about building their confidence, vision and capacity as leaders in their chosen careers.”

– Susie George, TAFE NSW Chief Delivery Officer

Together with our partners, we scope scholarships, encourage talented students and form networks that will leverage each scholarships impact for both industry and for the future students.

If you would like to discuss how BBM Global Industry Scholarships can benefit your students and graduates or how your institution can help shape the industry and training focus of our programs get in touch!

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