James Speed
Ship name / Flight number: Asturias
Arrival date: 07/04/1952
Left: James around 1952
Story below also was published in the BBM newsletter in April 2024
James arrived in Australia aboard the Asturias in 1952. With the support of his daughter Cahrol, James recently embarked on a journey to his homeland of Scotland to meet his half-brother for the first time. His daughter played a pivotal role, providing invaluable research, assistance, and unwavering determination to make this reunion possible.
When his daughter contacted us she remarked: “ It took 87 years but I have found his half-brother alive and in Scotland. My father would like to meet his only sibling in Scotland. We have now have the challenge of successfully applying for an Australian passport. Dad has no proof of entering into Australia except for a passenger list I have found. “
Born to a mother who was only 14 years old at the time, James was placed into care at Quarriers never having contact with his family throughout his life. Unbeknownst to him, he had three half-siblings. It was through his daughter’s efforts that James learned of his extended family.
His last care worker, Susan, had written to James on a few occasions. In 1963 in one such letter, Ms Beddie believed she had located James’s mother and new family. She asked James if she should pursue it further but then Susan passed away and the inquiry went no further.
Back then James lost interest and had started a family of his own. He didn’t count on his daughter’s insatiable curiosity to find out where they came from in Scotland. Cahrol said that she “emailed the world and made Dad’s childhood a full-time job. Pieces of the puzzle were being put together”.
Several months ago pieces came together and James finally had the opportunity to meet one of his half-brothers, Eric, at his home in Cupar, Scotland. They spent a memorable fortnight together, revisiting familiar places, and sharing cherished memories of their childhood. Remarkably, despite living mere miles apart in Springfield and Cupar, they had never crossed paths until now.
Left: James meeting Eric for the first time
James discovered that his other two half-siblings had passed away before he could meet them. Nonetheless, he expressed gratitude for the chance to reconnect with Eric and for his daughter’s unwavering support throughout the lengthy process of rediscovering his family roots.
Reflecting on the effort, his daughter remarked, “Well worth all my hair-pulling and frustration, we did it” and remarked further “When Dad met his brother it was the most fabulous moment I’ve ever seen!”
The brothers stay in touch and now chat every Monday and there have been more visits between the reunited families.
Below: James in Scotland, 2023
Below: A poem written by Rod Williamson, Eric’s son and Dad’s newfound nephew
Below: James’s extended Scottish family
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