Peter Pocock
Ship name / Flight number: SS Himalaya
Arrival date: 01/01/1970
I left Tilbury in 1965 for a new life down under aged 17, I remember it was snowing and the Salvation Band played ‘For Those in Peril on the Sea’ which I didn’t think was a very good choice!
It was a great journey with stops in Athens, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Fremantle and Sydney.
When I arrived, work was plentiful and my first job was as a junior teller with the bank of NSW. I also worked on the double-decker buses, at railways, in the post office and many other jobs over 4 years.
I returned to the UK when I turned 21 and married the girl I met when I was 16. Eventually I returned to Australia some years later with my wife and small children.
I have worked in so many jobs since then but am now counselling Veterans suffering PTSD, depression and addictions.
At 71 I am coming to the end of my working life but still so happy I came to Australia with the BBM all those years ago.
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